Classes Page
online class
Absolute beginners
Hatha Yoga
body balance
Hatha Yoga
yoga dance
Ashtanga Yoga
Upper body power
Vinyasa Yoga
Maecenas venenatis fringilla vel eget nunc feugiat, pellentesque porttitor eleifend urna mauris, dapibus dui nostra senectus.
Yoga Nidra
Hatha Yoga
Bikram Yoga
Power Yoga
yoga training class
Yamas and Niyamas
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Yoga for Beginners
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Mastering Anxiety
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Vinyasa Krama
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Yoga for Beginners
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Mastering Anxiety
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Vinyasa Krama
7 Lesson -
51 Students
Yamas and Niyamas
7 Lesson -
51 Students
online Training information
Dates & Format
January 12 – 23 February, 2022 -
Eight weekends live online instruction -
30+ hours of recorded content
Topics Include
Safely improve strength and flexibility -
Ease stress and anxiety -
The Modern Styles of Yoga -
Develop balance, focus and stability
Meditation Scripts -
Singing Bowl Meditation Track & Spotify Playlist -
Ten Days of Meditation
Join our Training now
Tempor euismod ornare felis ante eget varius maecenas, volutpat dignissim purus congue netus